29. jun. 2011

Dear Judas

Fuck you...

Fuck you for not believing in us. Fuck you for not giving us a chance to blossom. Fuck you for not talking to me since you left me. Fuck you for leaving me. Fuck you for dumping me after two weeks. Fuck you for saying you loved me when you really didn't. Fuck you for not caring. Fuck you, I drove all the way to Aalborg Hospital because you got beaten up at the carnival. Fuck you because you wouldn't do the same for me. Fuck you for smoking weed while we were together. Fuck you for introducing me to your parents. Fuck you for leaving after you had met my parents, my sister and my brother in law's family. Fuck you for breaking up with me on a text in the middle of the night, when you knew I was sleeping! Fuck you for breaking up with me the day before an annual test. Fuck you, it's your fucking fault I only got 02 for that test. Fuck you for taking all of my focus that day.
Fuck you for asking me to return your key in the same message in which you broke up! Fuck you for giving me a key to your apartment in the first place. Fuck you for the fact that you would have let me drive right after returning your stupid key. Fuck you, if I hadn't stayed in the car you wouldn't have spoken any more to me.
Fuck you for the fact that it was so easy for you. Fuck you, I'm sure you haven't even been sad at all since you broke up. Fuck you for breaking up with me. Fuck you for making me feel worthless. Fuck you for making me feel unloved. Fuck you for all the teas I've cried for you. Fuck you for all the times I've been screaming in tears for you.
Fuck you for making me feel unbeautiful. Fuck you for making me feel awful. Fuck you for all the songs I've dedicated to you. Fuck you for being so missable. Fuck you for being so beautiful.
Fuck you for being such an ASSHOLE!!!
Fuck you for making me miserable. Fuck you for making me mad. Fuck you for making me sad. Fuck you for making me so sad, that I cried in the car - many times. Fuck you for making me cry so hard that I almost crashed with my car. Fuck you for all the times you've made me aggressive. Fuck you for all the lies.

Just.. FUCK YOU!!!

22. jun. 2011


My birthday is in 17 days. It’s gonna be my 19th birthday, nothing special really. It’s just.. Even at my 18th birthday non of my friends had time to see me. It’s like.. I really put much into being there on my friends birthdays. I want it to be their day, and to make them have a good time. I have never forgotten a friend’s birthday.

Not talking about anybody in particular, just in general: I’ve never had friends who had time to be with me on my birthday. It’s in the summer holiday, and my friends has always been on vacation or to somebody else’s birthday party. Or having to work, didn’t have the money or they’ve come up with an excuse because they forgot, and didn’t got me a present. You see.. I don’t care about presents. That’s not what this is about. I don’t care about the stupid presents! Honestly I just care about the fact, that my friends spend a little off their precious time, to come see me on my fucking birthday? Is that too much to ask?
This year I’ve really been let down. Or that’s how I feel.. My sister and brother in law can’t see me at my birthday. They have another birthday party that day. As I told my mum; I fucking hope it’s a round birthday! And then my wife called - yeah, she’s having her graduation party the night before my birthday. My wife lives in the upper set end of Jutland than I do, so of course non of my friends who are coming to the graduation party, will have time or money to visit me the next day. So I’m probably gonna start my birthday with hangover, then a two hour drive home, to find that my parents are the only people who have time to drink a fucking cup of coffee with me. OH! And of course - my parents and siblings have to go to bed early on my birthday, cause they’re going to Copenhagen early the next morning!
… Nobody cares anyway.
Fml, Kiri


Jeg er SÅ træt af at det ikke er mig der bliver student i år.
At have et helt år tilbage mens alle render rundt med deres huer. Jeg er ikke misundelig når jeg ser en med en HF hue, HG hue eller STX hue. Heller ikke HTX huer for den sags skyld. Men når jeg ser en kongeblå hue bliver jeg grøn af misundelse. Men det værste er en kongeblå hue med flag! Den hue jeg har på om et år - Når jeg ser folk der render lykkelige rundt med denne hue, kan misundelsen slet ikke beskrives.
Jeg ærger mig mest over at jeg kunne have haft den i år. Hvis jeg havde droppet 10. klasse, som jeg alligevel kun gik i i 4 måneder. At jeg brugte et år på at være syg og nederen. Hvis jeg ikke havde fået en depression havde jeg været student lige nu. Suk.. Gid det var mig.

Men til næste år - Der bliver det mig der tværer det rundt i andres fjæs!

- I'm just expressing my jealousy of all the people becoming students this year. But next year I will be the one wearing the coolest cap!

12. jun. 2011

I'll make it better

You were just a little bird
Drowning in a little pool
Nor were voices ever heard
makes you feel like a fool

Let go my baby, it's tough
My caring hands are true
You might not know love
But baby, I'll show you

Together we can achieve
Heights you never knew
I will make you believe
Together we can be free

by Kiri Rehmeier (C)