30. nov. 2012

Blog challenge day 1

5 ways to win my heart

There are many ways to win a girls heart, and here are some things that makes my heart surrender.

Hug me from behind. 
If there is a thing I love it is being hugged from behind. It's the best thing in the world. It makes me feel small and safe and it's lovely and warm, when its cold outside. And since you already hold me that way, it's a great opportunity to kiss my neck. Since I have pretty short hair, that shouldn't be so bad? I love it, having someone kiss my neck and shoulders is just wonderful I think. Agree?

There are many ways to win a girls heart, but if there ain't chemistry, there ain't nothing to come for in the first place. If I find you attractive you know it, and if there is chemistry between two people it's something you can feel. Either it's there or it's not, and if it ain't there that's just too bad. Chemistry is what makes people stay together. It makes everything better. It is what brings passion, and I need passion in a relationship. I want you to want me. Let me KNOW that you like me, I'm not a mindreader remember. Look me in the eyes, kiss me, show me, get to know me, let me get to know you. That should take us far already.

Like me for me.
I go for people who likes me, for the person I am. I like myself, I like the way I am, and I'm not interested in changing. Some say you should be willing to change for the ones you love, well I'm not gonna do that. I want someone who likes the little things that makes me special. I do some weird stuff and I like it! My laugh sounds like hyenas fucking (link), deal with it! If you can't live with it, don't expect me to stay. I like my body as well, and I'm not gonna go on some crazy diet to get a flat stomach, just to please you. I need someone who likes looking at my body, even though it's not perfect and I'll never be on the cover of a magazine. I am a REAL woman, and I want a real person who sees that - and likes it. Imma end this with a quote from a very wise man"The only three things a guy should change about his girl is; her last name, her address and her viewpoint on men" - Wiz Khalifa

Serve me coffee in the morning.
Coffee in the morning makes my day so much better, it makes it even better if the coffee is served by a person I care about, and who cares about me. If you care about me enough to get me coffee, even though you might not drink it yourself, it shows me that you like me - even if you don't like coffee kisses. And of course know how I like my coffee; I like it black btw.

Smile and fuck me good. 
Yeah you heard me! I want someone who can fuck me good, and there is only one way to find out if you do that. Sex is a huge part of being human, and if you like the person you're banging, you bang her better! Sex is important, we all do it, and we're gonna do it till our bodies can't fuck no more, so rather spend time with someone you like, who shags good.
If you like a person, you like to see them happy, and that is the reason the smile is so important. I'm not looking for a person who could be in a Colgate commercial - not even close, but a person whose smile I just can't get enough of. A lovely smile and a sparkle in the eyes makes me want to make you smile.

New 30 day blog challenge - Let's do it!

28. nov. 2012

Another update

My best friend is leaving Denmark to go to Australia for three months. I'm gonna miss her. She's leaving this Tuesday, an I only get to see her Friday. I really hope she has the time of her life. She deserves to get away from Denmark for a little while, and I'm sure it'll be good for her.
I'm sitting in the train on my way home from Alexander. Going back to Copenhagen. I'm gonna see my therapist tomorrow. I can't wait. It's been weeks since we've had a session, just the two of us. I'll be done with therapy soon, oh I'm so nervous. I have to frame and hang stuff from the book on my walls. I don't want to forget all of these great things I've learned. I'm gonna miss my therapist so much. She's the most talented professional I've ever had the honor to talk to. She's just so great.
After therapy tomorrow I'll probably clean up the apartment a little bit, and then I'll have to pack my stuff again and go to my parents. Then I'll say properly goodbye to my friend on Friday, and I'll probably just stay the rest of the weekend at my parents.
Have a nice time you guys.

14. nov. 2012

Nattens dødelighed

Når du hastigt falder hen i drømme
Ligger jeg med sanserne på spids
Din arm om mig og følelser så ømme
Ej en nat før har jeg følt mig så tilfreds
Drømmer jeg monstro allerede
Eller er det sandt at du er til stede

Et glip med øjnene når jeg kysser dig
Dit tag om mig bliver lidt fastere
Intet jeg skal nå før lyset når mig
Ud over havet er der intet der haster
Et hav a drømme drukner os to
Aldrig har jeg haft en drøm så god

Den forsigtige hævelse af dit bryst
Et vemodigt suk mod min nakke
Jeg er sårbar men her findes trøst
Nøgen dog tryg med dig som frakke
Angst at falde hen i øjeblikket denne
Et øjeblik perfekt burde aldrig ende

Et godnatkys summer på mine læber
Stop tiden nu, lad natten vare evigt
Ånder sort ind knytter dine hænder
Fredsommelighed i dit smukke ansigt
Som et pust af sommer sukker du
Har aldrig været mere i live end nu

Jeg kysser nænsomt din bløde mund
Inden disse grønne glasøjne lukker
Kærtegn på læberne så blød og rund
Små ryk mens bevidstheden slukker
Denne smukke tiltalende virkelighed
Morgen blotter nattens dødelighed

af Kiri Rehmeier
den 14. november 2012

7. nov. 2012


Hvad mon fremtiden har med
Mennesker går og bekymre sig
Men dette grunder i at de ikke ved
Fremtiden er nu, fremtiden er dig
Tænk ikke på de dage der kommer
Hvad gør det for dig i denne stund
Forskuds bekymringer i dine lommer
Er det virkelig en klog mands grund

Et splitsekund af fremtiden sker
Når du lukker og atter syner igen
Tænk på det der er lige nu og her
Men sikkert er dog altid en ting
Tiden får en ende, der er ens for alle
Ti ej længere, stå op, tag et skridt
Lad stilheden dø, det er tid til at tale
Vend ryggen til alt det du har smidt

Hvis meningen med livet ikke er at dø
Monstro det så kunne være at leve
Sløv og hvileløs vandring på en øde ø
Så fortæl mig vil De bare eksistere
Slider jer ned for at nå til et sted
I sidste ende er det så det værd
Når man en dag skal sænkes ned
På sidste dagen først at have lært

Synd og skam

Af Kiri Rehmeier
7. november 2012