29. maj 2011

In love

Det kan godt være du har været lidt omkring
men baby, vi har alle gjort vores ting
Jeg har fundet dig nu, så der er ingen problemer
Håber bare du forstår præcist hvad jeg mener
- Du gir' mig noget specielt, (det) ikk' til at beskrive
Jeg er ikk' perfekt, men jeg ved at du vil blive

Det gør ondt, når en anden pige siger dit navn
Har de ikke opfattet, at du ligger i min havn?
Jeg ved jo godt at jalousien er ubegrundet
Og skat, du må endelig ikk' føle dig bundet
Jeg vil gi' det hele op og la' dig opfylde mig
Tag imod det jeg gir', du må ikk' sige nej

.. Love hurts.

21. maj 2011


Life is shit. 'Noff said..

18. maj 2011

My dear

Dear world
I know you're out there,
So please open up for me.
Let me in if you dare,
You've got much I want to see.

Dear life
Why do you have to be so hard?
All I want is to be free.
So tell me, when do we start?
I want to create, I want to be.

Dear sky
Why are you being so distant?
Will we ever get to touch?
Close you say? Baby this isn't,
So move along just a nudge.

Dear fire
You're still burning in my chest,
And it's not a bad thing!
You always make me impressed,
Giving me such an upswing.

Dear rain
You can always bring me down,
But I like the way you do it.
Making me believe I could drown,
In a different way of melancholic.

written by © Kiri Rehmeier at the 18th of may

16. maj 2011

Untitled poem

You're eating me up inside
The darkness you bring
I'm runnin' but I can't hide
You're such an evil thing
Is this ever gonna feel like home
Or will you be with me, when I'm alone?

No matter where I look
You're always before my eyes
My honesty you took
And replaced it all with lies
Are you ever gonna leave?
'Cause I've got more to achieve

You are never gonna be a friend
The worst enemy one could get
You're with me till the bitter end
Every day from the time we met
I can't laugh though I know I should
But you take it all and nothing feels good

a poem about loneliness
by Kiri Rehmeier ©


Hvis du skulle undskylde til en person hvem skulle det så være (mindst 1 person) .. og hvem er du mest skuffet over (mindst 1 person)

Trine.. Jeg vil gerne undskylde for, at jeg ikke kan være den veninde, du har brug for. Jeg er ked af, at jeg tænker på at hjælpe mig selv, når jeg burde tænke på dig frem for alt. Jeg er fandeme ked af, at det skulle ende sådan her.

Den person jeg er mest skuffet over, må jeg indrømme, at der er mig selv. Jeg har fejlet alt for groft i løbet af de sidste par år, og det ville være en kæmpeløgn hvis jeg sagde, at jeg ikke skammer mig over mig selv. Jeg tror jeg har gjort alt forkert, som der overhovedet er menneskeligt muligt, og jeg er bestemt skuffet over mig selv.

Spørgsmål fra formspring.me/KiriRehmeier

14. maj 2011

Even you don't know

Nobody knows this is for you..
But baby - how could you?
You hurt me so bad..
It still hurts to think of it
Still hurts to see you
Can't even look at your profile
It hurts my heart to see
You're with a girl that's not me

You will never know
I wrote this for you
'Cause it's clear that you don't care
Her perfect smile and green eyes
I cannot bare it baby!
You broke me into pieces
I couldn't believe you were gone
It was so hard for me to go on

You're in love, and I am not
I'm not in love with you but still
Still I wonder why you could 
Break my heart in half
And still seem like you're fine
Save me from my nightmares!
- Only you can do it, hun
'Cause baby.. This is no fun?

Will you ever look back and think
That what we had was good?
You really tattooed my body
More than any ink ever could
Do you see me baby -
See what you did to me?
But I am strong, I'll win this war
'Cause baby, you can't hurt me no more!

written at may 13th 2011
by © Kiri Rehmeier

2. maj 2011

Blå løgne

Jeg hader dig.
Jeg er nået til det punkt hvor jeg kan vende min ulykke til vrede. Det her har jeg ventet på!
Du render rundt og tror du kan få det hele, og du er ikke bange for at tage dine sleske triks i brug, for at få det du har sat næsen op efter. Du er typen der tager og tager uden at give noget tilbage - den slags mennesker pisser mig af. DU pisser mig af - du har så mange ansigter, og jeg var så dum at lade mig narre, af det mest falske ansigt du ejer. Jeg skammer mig, det er pinligt at vide, at jeg faldt for dine triks. At jeg bare var endnu en pige.
Nu skal jeg vise dig ligegyldighed. Nu skal jeg vise dig hvad det vil sige at være uden betydning. Ikke at det rører dig det fjerneste, men jeg vil bryde kontakten. Jeg har ikke brug for at se på dine mange ansigter. Jeg gider ikke se på dig, mens du spiller dine triks på dit næste offer. Jeg har set ansigterne før, så hvorfor blive hængende?

Til slut vil jeg bare sige, hav et godt liv.

Kiri Rehmeier

Do you know

Are you always gonna hurt me like this?
Will I ever get a chance to prove, that I could be good for you? It hurts to see you in my dreams every night - and day! Are you ever gonna tell me that you care? Will I always feel this way? I know it's stupid but sometimes I dream, that someday you'll change your mind.. That someday you'll realize that I'm what you really want - that all the nights with different girls was a waste of time, time you could have spent with me.
I know you can't change a man, and I don't want to change you, what I want is for you to know that you can change a habit. Or maybe, just maybe.. you would love me if I was flawless?
I've done all I thought you wanted, tried to be what I thought you wanted.. What is it that you want? All day I wonder what it is that you are searching for. Am I really that wrong? I want to ask you, if I could ever be what you wish for - but honestly I'm too scared.
Are you not getting my hints, or is it just because you don't care? Tell me, tell me how to make you care! Tell me what I'm doing wrong. I want to know... Though I know that the first thing you'd be saying after explaining would be "Why are you crying?"
A dream is not enough.. Sometimes they might seem realistic, but this is not a story followed by a happy ending. This is a story of a broken girl falling in love with a broken boy - she breaks even more, and he will never know...